Exotic Square Finger Natural Charcoal Review

Exotica Charcoal

Exotic Square Natural Charcoal are tasteless and odorless and are a great choice for many smokers due to it’s square shape, so it won’t roll off your bowl.

The unique shape of these natural charcoal allows for custom sized charcoal for any bowl. Simply score the charcoal with a knife at the desired break point, and then you just snap the charcoal to break off your piece.

Each kilogram sized box contains 25 finger shaped charcoal, and each piece typically burns for about 45 minutes. They take about 4-5 minutes to heat up on a electric stove stop. Make sure they are fully ashed over before using.

The ash stays in a solid form until dropped into the tray when finished. These coals produce clean and even heat distribution, leaving your shisha without any chemical tastes such as with quick-light coals.

Exotica square finger natural charcoal is a great choice for anyone looking to be able to have custom sized coals for any bowl shape.

Rating: ★★★★☆

You can purchase Exotica Natural Charcoal from Hookah-Shisha for $8.95.

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